The privacy policy statement delivers solutions to the security that users might face at AppFirmsReview. This statement will also deliver the process we follow to review and list top app development companies. If you do not accept our privacy policy, you are free to try other alternatives. All the websites work on different privacy policies, so it is natural for us to follow our own privacy policy set.
The process of we use to verify
- Whenever a company approaches, we review the documents they have submitted.
- We check their website and the quality of content written on their website.
- We verify the company’s portfolio and its key clients to understand what they are delivering and to whom they are delivering.
- We review the apps designed by the company and review the quality of work they have put into it.
- We also view the company’s social handles, such as LinkedIn, to verify their followers, employees, and the company culture that the company follows.
Third-party cookies
We announce on our website that AppFirmsReview uses third-party cookies to store the information provided by the companies and users approaching us. However, the companies and users can disable the function of stories cookies in their browser. Letting us store cookies will definitely help in experiencing a top-notch service, but we have provided the flexibility to disable it.
AppFirmsReview roles and responsibilities
- We register top app development companies after verifying their documents and feedback from their clients.
- We assist entrepreneurs and users trying to select a company for their app development idea to find the best match according to their requirements.
- We store and organize data from users to optimize our content better.
Disclosure of information
- AppFirmsReview has the right to store your information to optimize our website content better for our customers.
- While featuring the top app development company, we have the right to disclose about the company, so customers can know the company better.
- We follow the government guidelines while sharing personal information, and most of our personal information includes professional information instead of real personal information.
Privacy and safety
- AppFirmsReview is a secure website where we safeguard the personal information provided by users and companies.
- We do not let any unauthorized IP address access our websites to safeguard personal information.
- AppFirmsReview uses SSL encryption to protect our website, and our experts are continuously monitoring the unauthorized activities on our website.
Right to correct the information
AppFirmsReview provides flexibility to our businesses where they can update their information whenever they need to add updated and valuable content on our website.